More Explicit Creative Copywriting Examples

Creative Copywriting

It’s not just 3D and graphic visual work, I’m also creative with the written word and have some examples here. Not restricted by nonsense like appropriateness I am more lateral, specific and articulate dealing with things head on.  Many of these items are elsewhere in this site depending on what they are graphically or video wise. Please focus on the written element of them here.

Ye Olde Invite Reply

This was a jokey reply to a wedding invite that was written in parchment paper with a chess knight. Thus I thought ok, let’s do a fun reply, old style with old style text and wording, incorporating mutual friends and turning them into medieval character.

Original Ancient Scroll CV

This was the first version of my scroll resume concept which unlike subsequent scroll CVs had a prophesy story feel to it to grab interest rather than a regular layout with a script font.

Like the wedding invite reply, this had an ancient fantasy movie prologue feel to it. It was designed to illicit a smile on the person readying it stimulating their curiosity and make my application stand out, with the story text interwoven with faction information like phone and NI numbers with a readable script font.

Viking Funeral Service Adcept Assignment

Here the emphasis was delicate, safe and wonderful, to put a picture in the mind of the bereaved of a beautiful; send off to their loved one into the next life. Meant to capture a beautiful sunset the loved one can drift into, going out in colour and a blaze of glory like a king or queen. The text emphasizes family, traditional craftsmanship, respect and care.

Friendly and Polite No Dogs Poster for a Barber Shop

A barber came in to Prontaprint asking for some sort of poster to say dogs were not allowed.

Whilst initial ideas were along the lines of a typical road sign approach, with a not dogs sign, then a rather graphic version showing dog jumps on barber, barber decapitates customer, perhaps the one owning the dog, something with a little more tact was asked for so came up with this.

The problem the poster states is it is exactly the friendly dogs that are the problem. This is done in a polite but no nonsense rational and logical manner, very friendly, we like dogs but for everyone's safety they cannot be in here style.

Copy with Stronger Language

I value practicality, literalism, specifics, facts, evidence, knowledge, talent. I therefore have no time for things like suits, ties, language like appropriateness, positions of trust, working conditions, sex acts which are ambiguous, open for interpretation but by someone reading or hearing them and often used to justify or condemn any action or wording to whatever the one using the word wants.

In a culture of human sacrifice or a country where FGM is common both these actions would be seen as ‘appropriate’, and refusing an arranged marriage deemed inappropriate. Saying you cannot sexually mutilate someone or kill innocents who harmed none is literal, and clear cut and not open for manipulation.

My ethics are based on fairness, opportunity, equality, sexual liberation.

Adolescents are not viewed as children but more trainee young adults developing progressively, much like driving students in need of guidance in terms of love lives.

Sexual language that is explicit thus can be used in context or to emphasise a point.

More so look at the funniest comedies such as American teen movies like American Pie, Grimsby, how the career of Chloe Grace Moretz took off from a film where a tween swears regularly.

The following have all sorts of direct language, for good reason.

AIDS Education Rap Campaign

This was a live brief assignment during my HND in Design Communications whilst at what is now Southampton Solent University. It was for an an African anti A.I.D.S. sex education non governmental organisation (NGO) media charity looking to get through to Ugandan and Kenyan adolescents in the mid 1990s using rap music to instil safer sex practices in an AIDS hotspot.


Piper's Production

Product / Service

Rap - It - Out (Youth Vs A.I.D.S.)

Target Audience

The youth of Africa to be used initially in Uganda / Kenya


It was found by youth groups that one way of getting through to teenagers in these countries was through their love of Rap and Rap culture. Rap groups such as "Salt and Pepper" are already involved workshops and have made some progress.
To convince African youth that using condoms can save lives by preventing A.I.D.S. if used properly

Note 1:
Due to the hotter, dryer atmosphere the unused condoms have a much smaller life expectancy. Holding condoms in tight pockets, or leaving in the sun for long periods of time causes them to degrade an become unsafe.

Note 2:

Oil based lubricants (I.e. Vaseline & Ice cream) has degradation in seconds, causing microscopic holes big enough for A.I.D.S. viruses and sperm cells to get through during intercourse.

As these facts are not well known incorporate them into any proposal.



Rap Music, Rap competitions, workshops etc.


'RAP - IT - OUT could save a generation of African youth, breaking the 'A.l.D.S. cycle.

Campaign Proposition

To be based around "RAP - IT - OUT' can beat A.I.D.S.


  • 3 x B & W Posters for use in Africa
  • 1 x B & W Press Ad
  • 3 x 45 seconds radio commercials.


  • Creative :                                    24th October 95
  • Commercials / Posters :          12th November 95
  • Print : World A.I.D.S. Day        1st December 95


  • This campaign is designed to save lives and is based on Rap.
  • American rap groups frequently feature strong explicit language so they are already used to it.
  • If it upsets parents, youths like it more, therefore it will be more effective.
  • Parents and ‘moral groups are not the target audience.
Therefore any "explicit adjectives" were not only justified but essential,
as watering down would have lead to ambiguity, confusion, ignorance and would loose credibility with the target audience getting people killed by making the campaign less effective.

Far more important then a few peole getting offended by a few graphic words.
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