Decimator Hybrid - Weight Reduction Following Trials
Decimator Hybrid LARP Weapon System
Weight Reduction
Full Design Process Report
Tests of the constructed prototype shows a big problem that does not show up with the card prototype, notably a huge increase in weight which cases stress at the connection between the control handles and tang tubes that for them blade and run the length of the shield.
The weight also makes the system harder to handle and puts strain on the wrist.
The ideal way to reduce this would be a redesign from scratch but as at this stage with cost and deadlines that was not a possibility. The next option was to gut out sections from the main structure the shield. Latex is the heavier material however and that cannot be stripped. Less layers would help.
Please click on the image for the full detailed design process development report for this project. The bottons cover the various elements that went into the design of the hybrid, the design decisions and project development
This was far more complex than any of the LARP weapons done before and many of the other projects here.