CMS - Props - Star Wars Universe Prop - 5 - Control System - Specific Research, Sketch Ideation and Prototyping

Star Wars Prop Control System 

Selected Project Research, Sketch Ideation and Prototyping

Selected Star Wars Prop Project

Chosen Star Wars Project - Research Crates and Boxes 

The first 4 Project concepts were abandoned

  • Model spacecraft
  • Speeder bikes
  • Droids - Utility and Rebel Ambush Droids

  • With the plans on making the above shelved, I was weeks behind and running out of time,
  • Desperate for a simpler prop that fitted the brief better.
  • I was getting pushed to simple male packing crate just to hto deadlines with a project.
  • Though I did look into the concept of a bug out box like the one featured in season 2 of the Andor series.

Research then steered to the crates in the franchise series as tutors wanted me to do a simpler project that could be done on time, They then extended the deadline for all till after Christmas proving another effective 4 weeks.

Chosen Star Wars Project  - Research Star Wars Control Panels

I still wanted to make something great as only opportunity to do a project like this and wanted to shine.

It was the NS-9 Starpath unity control box that gave inspiration and I started looking at both he boxes and control system panels from Star Wars movies and TV shows. 

Chosen Star Wars Project  - NS -9 Starpath Research & Sketches

The inspiration came from the opening episode of Andor the stolen Starpath Unit, an imperial component being sold black market by the lead character Andor to the head of the developing rebel alliance.

Basically a control unit covered in kitbash parts that was small and box shaped so went with that.

Sketch Ideas was the next stage to try out different concepts quickly and cheaply to develop the idea into something to move into prototyping and building. The sketch stage does not use up limited materials and glues etc.

Tutors nervous about my deadlines and seeing the various attempts

The concept was developed from the Ns-9 Starpath Unit cube with various controls and instruments to first a flattened box like the one were given to start the project.

This was developed to a closing hinged 2 box unit. To one where with two wings. Each the size of the start box that closed around a central tower full of power ad computer cores with transmitter towers.


As I started to pick up set decoration to help kit bash the prop I started to prototype the concept with card boxes and duct tape to look at size and mechanics of how the unit will work and fit together and what sizes to build the component parts, how to place the controls, what works what does not and how to fit it together.

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