CMS - CMA02 - Concept Model Domiciles Development - CAD Component Design Development

Domiciles Gameshow Concept Bid Miniature Set Model

CAD Component Design Phase

The set walls that make up the backdrop to Amie the host’s castle stage. The rear arrow and union jack wall, plus the ship would be made from standard flats. In the case of the castle rear wall, it needs to be measured around the host gate.

In terms of the ship trouper room behind the contestants the flats need to be measured so the gap falls on the ship door gaps and centre of the portholes to split evenly and enable working doorways.

These flats are 120 x 240xm or 4 x 8 foot.The components were designed in Adobe Illustrator as laser cutters reply on vector art which is based on mathematical calculation making line art which will provide a path for the laser to follow.

These featured:

  • Castle Parts
  • Walls  Window Arches
  • Castle Doors
  • Supports
  • Host Gold Walkthrough
  • Back Drop Loop Parts
  • Rear Arrow Wall Signs
  • Union Jack Flag
  • Sections Guides for Rimstone Bulbs
  • Text Characters, Ship Door Components
  • Door Mechanics
  • Door Opening Wheels
  • Host Stage Parts
  • Main and Ship Walls

CAD Component Design Phase

Castle Stage Component  Design

The first zone of the set model that was designed was the castle podium desk. 

This was to be based on a castle gate house, the reasoning being that it features most of the key features of a castle bar the central keep and looks castle like. This includes the gate, maybe with a portcullis, the crenulation, battlements floors and cover, towers and murder holes.

The Towers would be made square, as far easier to construct than round towers and could easily be flat packed. This could also be suitably sized and projects dominance and power.

I originally designed the castle to feature hatches for canons as I did have moulds for small cannons from, the CMS short course ships graveyard I helped build in 2017, but these were found to be too big. I changed the design to traditional castle cross murder holes that would be used to shoot arrows through with looked more authentic.

Whilst I started with simple straight walled towers. I developed this into towers with a widened upper floor like in a real castle, This is to provide holes to drop things onto an attacker and would make climbing up harder.

The designs were built in panels, front, the upper floor, the 3 sides of the tower, diagonal widening of the tower tops and gate.

The intention was to see this build using Par Light or Kappa Foam board on the model to the outer card layer could be peeled off then stone walls carved from the foam.

The 3 yellow rectangles are cutting patterns to make the gold foil, drop strip, walk through for the host to make an entrance through.
As finishing up the castle wall I added in 70s style game show set decoration such as round corner, rectangular loops and lines of lighting up bulbs (on in my case stick on plastic rhinestones) and I added drop down union jack flags to push the nationalism and sense of power.

This was created on Adobe Illustrator with a lot of moving individual points and use of combining or trimming path tools.

The hardest part of this that took the longest was the lettering of the xenophobic football chant on the front of the stage made up of individually painted very small letters.

CAD Component Design Phase

Rear Gameshow Wall

Sector 2 could be the back wall that the audience would be looking straight at and could stick with the Game show elements. It was requested there be a large union jack so I decided to place this here.

It was also necessary for a gameshow logo to be included, that included the gameshow name:

“Get Out of Here”

I kept the colour pallet of red background with gold loops and incorporated the 70s style lines of light bulbs fairground lighting

I would have lighted to add some more features and a better Logo as was runnign out of time.

CAD Component Design Phase

Ship Component Design

Whilst the host side of the stage is raised, luxurious with her raised stage, cushy gold carpet, gold strip entrance, castle podium with what someone from a lower class background made good with easy money would consider luxurious and upper class such as a tacky gold painted plastic crown, Ferro Roche chocolates, Prosecco cocktails with little umbrellas, oysters, caviar etc placed on it, a set of controls, buttons and to do unpleasant things to the constants are to be seen having it rough, humiliated, denigrated and uncomfortable.

The contestants would stand on what appears to be:

1)     A rotten and broken aged, rotten, damp, irregular, crudely put together wood, looking like its calling apart, barnacled, mouldy, weed and bird poop covered sea dock awaiting shipping out.

Behind the contestants would be

2)     What appears to be a rusty, un seaworthy, worn, tramp steamer ship side with rusty ship doors surrounded by a frame of fairground like lightbulbs looking like a ride.  The would house a darkened room that immigration officers pounce out of and drag in contestants.

The model for the contestants would be built in two sections.

1)     The model ship section would be built like the rest of the model. Designed on computer as vector art for the most part with later cut parts glued into place in layers with holes parking points to sick rhinestones to simulate bulbs.

2)     The rock would bult organically from interwoven painted wooden strips make from coffee stirrers, spatulas and walnut wood laminate as well as dowels. There would be more roughly cut or broken to size with regular breaks and damage and dents, roughly painted, other model plant strand material and resin cast crates.

Laser cutting would be essential for a lot of the very fine detailed and fragile components such as the door mechanics.

The ships name would be done with with stick on letters and I tried to word the name as offensive and xenophobic as possible in line with the attiudes of far right types naming the ship the:

SS FO Jonny Foreigner

To fit the brief and treatment.

Score Indicators

Whilst the original wish from the directors for the scoring indicators was the rotating card flap mechanism where the numbers are on card handing from a barrel that rotates 0-9 I chose to try a more gameshow like accumulator indicators that could work by sliding a colour strip inside the from or simply fill it with coloured liquid, almost like a leak from the ship or being filled with seagull guano.

CAD Component - Font Choice & Text

Typeface and Wording is Important to Communicate Attitude.

What fascists have learned with media advisors is to ditch the white hoods, nazi symbols, skin head intimidator look and make fascism fun, cheeky Chappy Farage and Farage with their pints and man of the people show with a pint and Mc Donalds pretending they are not the elite they talk about when very much are. GB news all bright and colourful, associating nationalism with wholesome religion and so called family values and this plays into that. The game show like in films like

  • Running man
  • Hunger Games
  • Logans Run
  • Battle Royal
  • Death Race
  • Rollerball
  • The Boys

Roman Arenas makes fascism seem fun to a lesser thinking mob mentality where they can laugh and join in the inflicting of suffering thinking they are superior and untouchable and it cannot happen to them with no consequences to those they see as sub human criminal types even though those victims harmed none.

So, the game show is made to appear fun and jokey with a fun colourful façade front of the wall where the real ugliness & horror appears behind it.

To do the script justice its needs to exudes that attitude which is why I did this the way I did with the ships name, football chant and the upper class host stage like the Capital City in Hunger games verses the district, ww2 Jewish poor, medieval peasant, migrants shows has sub-human to abuse for fun before getting rid of them like a cat playing with food to feel powerful.

So the game show appears all fun and games and a laugh so people don’t see it for the horror it is.


There were 3 pieces of text copy in the set.

  • The Gameshow Logo
  • The Shop Name
  • The Stage Front Football Chant


The game show was set in the 70s so the fonts that needed to be chosen needed to me 70s style. These tended to be :

  • Round
  • Fat
  • Chunky
  • Smooth
  • Jello like
  • Bottom Heavy
  • Flowing

Yes Denoting:

  • Fun
  • Colourful
  • Partying
  • Liberal
  • Energy

Not Denoting

  • Formality
  • Conformity
  • Conservativism.
  • Tradition
  • Offices.

They also had to be clear.

There was also the intention to add a sinister edge.

The Chosen Font was Superdream

Finished Set Zone Designs

These are the finished set zone designs before any texturing.

The ship will look a lot rougher and will include a rough organic dock that’s hand made. These designs are to make laser cut parts.

As can be seen the concept is to contrast the host and England side which is all luxury, richness, power, nationalism, brightness, vibrancy with gold, red, bastles, flags

Compared to

The ill-treated migrant darkness lacking warmth.

All enhancing how this is totally unfairlly rigged against them, courpt and little more them a powertrip, currupt where the contestans have no more chance than a mouse or bird being played with by a cat.

The language is also indicative and typical of far-right lower class thinking from the bigoted ignorant football hooligan yob mentality. A feel of despite getting money and power, the likes of Amie are still the ignorant racist low lives who enjoy bulling and lording it over others to feel good about themselves and be pretty much nothing without it.

The football chant lettering is the width of the whole stage and totally in the face of the migrant contestants, projecting a hostile rejecting attitude. The colouring gives a karaoke feel where the audience could sing along having gun at others expense.

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