What was spotted when trying to replace the eyes and fix the face was that it was very uneven, so there was no ideal spot to place the outer eyes. To achieve this the side corners of the face needed to be bulked out and evened up.
There were also problems in attaching the leg connectors. Part of this was due to the thickening of the base board with the resin and fibreglass. The walls between the cavities and inside had also been enlarged with all the filler and fibreglass and paint.
In many cases the connectors would not connect as the board was too fat or had obstructions, or the body and the walls were getting in the way which also blocked swivelling the connectors.
First the left side was substantially rebuilt up with insulation foam, then adding in the usual filler in any gaps and to harden the foam to help sanding to shape with the power files and hand sanding to give good shape and surface for the fibre glass shelling.
The left forward leg and arm or pedipalp (Spider Port) cavities were completely rebuilt and shifted over to balance them out so each side was even. There was major carving out of material including removing and replacing the walls for the front Port (Left side looking forward only).
The walls were rebuilt from foam, filler, sanding shape and smoothing down and them fibre glassed over to solidify and strengthen then filled in with filler and sanded smooth.
This was followed by patching up with fibreglass tissues and again filler and sanding .