CMS - CMA08 - Concept Model Domiciles Development - Contestant Side Ship and Dock Intro

Domiciles Gameshow Concept Bid Miniature Set Model

Construction Phase

Contestant Dock and Ship Side Intro

The contestant’s side was in two parts:

The delipidated old docks the constant stood on with their podiums Signifying their very low status in the minds of the far-right game shop creators, treated them as sub human and only one step away from deportation and doom.

In effect it’s like the condemned cell or waiting at the side of the gallows or other execution awaiting the doors to be pulled through to death. This is how I have portrayed it, with doors behind the contestants ready to slam open like a funnel web spider burrow behind them with black clad, storm trouper / riot police / inhuman officers jumping out to pounce on and drag the contestants screaming into the dark abyss. Though here its just a model with solid doors.

Behind them the doors are meant to appear like ships doors so heavy and metallic like those in-front of a gas chamber that were dirty and rusty.

They would be set against a wall looking like the side of a rusty ill kept, old unseaworthy, tramp steamer cargo vessel, with the feel of a slave ship. Devoid of comfort or human rights and not thought likely to survive a voyage with likely tetanus from its rough finish and barnacles etc

The door would be surrounded by Lightbulb in the life size version that would turn red when a constestant was to be dragged out if it was to be made, but here like elsewhere on the model 3mm Rhinestones were uses.

I surrounded one of the doors with red Rhinestones to simulate a contestant about to be pulled out. This would come with a buzzer.

The ship parts were all laser cut bar the side and read walls as just rectangles and easily cut by hand.

The contestants were to be deemed not worthy and human enough for proper podiums and the intention was to have them stand or kneel behind ship tie bollards, ideally rotten, cracked rusty, barnacle and moss infected and covered in seagull guano or poop, ideally with maggots.

Additional Props and Model Making Creative Media Skills Courses

Note I have also attended the Creative Media Skills Prop 1 week Making Essentials and Miniature Model Making courses which covered more techniques separately including:

  • Resin Glass and Resin Casting
  • Gun Foam Casting for Soft Props
  • Poly Carving
  • Forced Perspective
  • 3D Printing
  • Basic use of Fibreglass for Multiple Part Mould Casing

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