CAD Concept Development

Concept Projects
CAD & Sketch Development

Concept Projects are usually incomplete or put on ice for reasons such as:

  • Lack or cutting of funding, resources and tooling, especially due to lack of work.
  • Temporary projects such as preparing tasks for job interviews. Usually only with a couple of days to prepare.
  • Unpaid work experience.
  • Lack of the correct training.
  • Temporary work.
  • Being quotations.



Concept projects often show examples of my latest design process skills such as:


  • Creativity and Inventiveness.
  • CAD & Rendering (Often with Solidworks).
  • Design Development.
  • Problem Solving.
  • Prototyping.
  • Sketching.
  • Ideation.



Home-made filming dolly (Think DIY store trolley with added suspension to hold a filming tripod & enabling smooth movement).

Lots of use of Solidworks CAD software with Keyshot rendering examples. One of the latest CAD projects and more detailed.

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Shadowstage Theatre Light

CAD Solidworks concept development for a hand held modular lighting system for a small shadow theatre company as work experience.

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Basic concepts for a water blasting children's board game used to showcase CAD skills for a job interview with Habro with a couple of days prep time. CAD software used was Solidworks with Keyshot rendering.

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