CMS - CM00 - Concept Set Model Domiciles Development Menu

Domiciles Gameshow Concept Bid Miniature Set Model

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Semester 4 - Miniature Model Making

Term or Semester 4 of my UAL Professional Diploma for Art Departments covered various Mininature Model Making Techniques & Concept Art :

  • Details Scaling
  • Laser Cutting
  • Texture
  • Concept Art
  • Photo Bashing

Concept Model Intro -

This was a 1:25 scale  miniature set concept model, that not only was a learning platform for this Semester 4.

As a concept model this is in full colour and highly detailed to look like a miniature version of the real thing. This is a far more advanced model style compared to white card modelling which tends to be done by hand. This had to be as close to the final version as possible, so to get the detail most of it was laser cut

This was my bid for a competition to judge by the director’s course students, to decide which to progress to being the full-size gameshow set used in the end of year production Domiciles.

Storyline Script

The basic storylines start with 3 migrants in the home office immigration department awaiting an interview for their visa status then one, Javier falls asleep and wakes in a dream trapped in a outrageously racist xenophobic gameshow where the prize is a visa but the whole think is rigged to give the contestants little to no chance of winning like a kangaroo court.

Very much the kind of thing one may expect on a right-wing propaganda channel such as Fox, GB news or a dictatorship Shannel such as could be seen in Russia, Hungary, Belarus, North Korea, China etc

Basically, like a cat and mouse game of cruelty for the bullying far right host based on the likes of Pritti Patel and Suella Braverman in the UK or Marjorie Taylor Greene , (or a fan of the TV show The Boys think Firecracker) to get a kick out of offering false hope to the contestants just to enjoy seeing them suffer.

This is till the smart and canny Javier outsmarts her and turns the tables on her. 

Assigned Script, Treatment

Nightmare Right Wing Game Show Scene

Thought before we go further, I would point out that I don’t subscribe the hateful right wing xenophobic mentality at all.

It’s just a model of how I thought those who are would come up with a game show to have cruel fun at the expense of those they felt power over to ill-treat base on films/TV.


Please use the links below to read the treatment and script that we worked from, to understand how and why I interpreted them the way I did to develop my concepts to fit them. It is a nightmarish rigged, racist and xenophobic gameshow that ill-treats the migrant contestants so make it bad.


If making a villain’s lair make it as villainous as possible, likewise if working on an American teen comedy based in a frat house it will hold the wildest parties on campus, I put in the effort below to do the best:


I’m like the teacher in the John Lewis Christmas advert below who takes the school play to a whole new level as don’t want to do the usual boring recorder recital
The basic concept came up was to have:


The host representing nationalist mentality of this country gleefully and enjoying lording it over the 3 migrant contestants, very much thinking she’s is queen of the castle able to do as she likes, with money, power privilege and protection but really still low class, uneducated not having earned any of it. The kind who would expect to see Ferro Roche chocolates as the ultimate luxury food at a diplomat’s party.

 She is enjoying lording it over the humiliated and belittled, lower class, powerless, poverty induced 3 migrant contestants in a very rigged gameshow. With what appears to be a deportation rotten and rusty ship side with doors ready to slam open when a contestant is knocked out with black clad faced masked, robot-like storm trooper home office troops rush out the grab them and grab them back through the door screaming in terror which would then slam shut as the screams are cut off.

 Till the tables are turned...

 I took inspiration from audience crowd gleeful nastiness taking delight in the suffering of those who were forced to fight, but more son how they took delight and frenzied pleasure in the creative, special and horrifically cruel execution and brutal punishment of prisoners in roman areas like the colosseum, as the crowd laughed and geared at people being fed to lions, torn apart by animals, set on fire to music, raped to death by animals like bulls fed to crocodiles etc.



  • Being Nero feeding christens to Lions in the film Quo Vadis 1951 - Youtube Link
  • Flooding the arena and pushing out prisoned on a sinking boat into the arena with huge Nile crocodiles in “Those about to
    Die 2024 - Link
  • The "Lawnmower" egg throwing scene from Caligula - Youtube Link
  • Numerous scenes from the Spartacus TV show
  • As well as films such as
  • Squid Game
  • The Running Man - Youtube Link
  • Death Race
  • Hunger Games
  • Battle Royal

Then combined this with the Rhetoric of the likes of the Home Office, Fox News, GB News, The telegraph, The mail, The sun and other far right press, political speeches, postings etc from the likes of Ron DeSantis, Donald Trump, Suella Braverman, Nigel Farage, Lee Anderson, Britian’s First etc

Assigned Script and Treatment Download links

<   Please click to download  >
Domiciles Script   >

< Here  >

This is the script. The model is for the scond location and scene set in a dream of twisted far right racist, xenophobic rigged game show.

<   Please click to download  >
<   D
omiciles Treatment   >

<  Here  >


This is the treatment explaining the reasoning and logic behind the decisions to make the concept model the way I have done it.

The Final Production

As you watch the film when the contestants are to be dragged out, the way I would have directed it would be to have the lights surrounding the doors behind the contestant to rapidly but gradually turn red a section at a time with some sort or count down tone, as the rope holding their life ring had the slack slowly tightened and start to pull them to the doors. This done to instil terror in the contestants and delight in the crowd and when they all turn red a big loud tone as the doors are slammed open with a bang, and black clad, masked riot like police home office storm troops burst out like trapdoor spiders to grab and over power the contest dragging them screaming into the darkness before the doors slam shut, followed by the screaming cut short.

When it comes to the host getting what’s coming to her as not already connected with a life ring, when the countdown starts the inhuman immigration officers, maybe smeared with fake blood and more. may walk out to surround her slowly first, she could attempt to run, then Javier drops a life ring over her head pinning her arms before the troops drag her out. Making things far more brutal.

Directors Chosen Set

This is the actual short film we made in the end using another student called Harriet Waller's concept model, as the directors wanted something more generic and tame for their set and combined with the colour scheme from another student called Chyana so it was no all red.

Domiciles Set Construction

Click here or on the above icon to see how we constructed the directors choice for the Domiciles Set.

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Detail Thinking to the Max


I’m like the teacher in the John Lewis Christmas advert below who takes the school play to a whole new level as don’t want to do the usual boring recorder recital and not interested in so called appropriateness. I will try to take things to logical conclusion and aim for the wow.

Research and Concept Development

Pre Construction Research

Initial research into gameshows, influence, inspiration, themes, possible, props, elements, styles, attitudes and vibe.

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Preperation for Construction

CAD Component Design Development

Component design and development in illustrator of the castle, stage, rear wall, shop and contestant dock.

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Tools and Materials Used

Listing and detailing the materials and tools used to make the miniature concept model.

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Laser Cutting Template Development

Prepping component in Illustrator and Lightburn for mostly laser cutting and some hand cutting.

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Host and Home Office Side

Host Side - Castle Stage  & Backwall

Construction of the host Amie's Castle Podium, Stage. Backdrop and Entrance.

Various problem solving construction issues.

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Font Choices and Stage Front Football Chant

Detailing the difficulties in tiny manual text setting and colouring such lightweight characters. Laser cutting of components and the reasoning of the use of clearly xenophobic offensive football chants.

This was one of the hardest parts of the model to do and took the longest.

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Rear Wall Flag & Logo

Rear wall of gameshow with logo design and union jack flag problems and fixes.

Placing the larger letters and dealing with errors such as not removing the film coating

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Contestant Deportation Ship

Contestant Side Deportation Ship and Podium Dock Intro & Research

Intro and reasoning of the ship wall room and humilating docks, plus inspiration research.

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Ship Side Doors Portholes and Pressure Door Crank Locking Wheels & Mechanism

Laser cutting of components including set up.

Door frames, painting styles. Noting how the tiny details such as portholes with tiny screw holes, pressure door internal structure and the crank wheels were created.

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Accumulators and
Ship Naming

Why score accumulators as opposed to digital readouts and how these were done and why.

How lighting was done.

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Contestant Dock + English Channel

Contestant Dock and Ship Intro & Research

The organic build of the constestant docks, podiums.

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Populating the Model

Adding people and painting them and replacing the English Channel and why.

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Adding the Patriotic Guard Sharks

More unwelcoming elements, this time

patriotic guard sharks with flags in the channel section.

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Our Studio and Studio Model

Actual Studio Recce

This is the studio the set model was intended for if made life size.

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Making Studio Model

Here is the construction of the studio model section to place the set model into.

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Finished Model

Here is the almost finished model. I will be giving the sharks warhammer lasers to add to the rediculousness of the xenophobic attiudes.

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See Other Stages

This is one of my most detailed model with a wide variety of construction techniques, materials, research and inspiration. Please see the other stages.

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