CMS - Props - Set Decoration - Distressed Ticket Machine

Set Decoration - Distressed Ticket Machine

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Distressed Ticket Machine Set Decoration

This was a quick made piece of set decoration I made when a production designer on my student end of year production Domiciles.

I had wanted my set for a home office to look worn, damaged and under-funded.

My set decorator gave me a new shiny red glossy ticket machine and I distressed it in an hour and a half so could get on with the set build that we were working hard on to hit the shoot deadline.

Prepping Construction


This was a quick made piece of set decoration I made when a production designer on my student end of year production Domiciles.

I had wanted my set for a home office to look worn, damaged and under-funded.


My set decorator gave me a new shiny red glossy ticket machine and I distressed it in an hour and a half so could get on with the set build that we were working hard on to hit the shoot deadline.


This started with a light spray with a combination fillers and primer sand coloured spray paint though it was an error.

The intention had been to sand off the glossiness and give a better surface for the primer to bond with then add the primer filler spray paint realising the error in seconds so just let it dry then sandpapered to a rough finish.


Then spray painted on the sand-coloured filler primer and then added white spray paint.

Adding Distressing Materials

To distress the ticket machine, I went outside to collect items like:

  • Dirt
  • Sand (Scraped from mortar)
  • Moss
  • Lichen
  • Cobwebs.

This was then stuck on with superglue.

Dirty down ageing and distressing thin wash spray was lightly sprayed in patches.

This included colours such as:

  • Tabacco Yellow
  • Kaki
  • Black
  • Mould green
  • Brown

And the key one was:

  • Rust

Unlike the other colours, the rust spray was done at point blank ranged into the corners, screws, alcoves and allowed to dribble down.

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