About Me

About Me - Chris Rose - Who & What Am I?

What am I?...

I am

  • Creative.
  • Inventive
  • Technical.
  • Alternative.
  • Extroverted.
  • Adventurous.
  • Progressive.
  • Fun and Outgoing.
  • Strategic.
  • Detailed Thinking.
  • Love Learning and Training

Not appropriate but instead I am:

  • Literal.

  • Specific.

  • Factual.

  •  Realistic.

  • Open Minded.

  • Logical and Rational.

  •  Put in the effort to create the best quality finished I can.

  • Design easy to use, practical, user friendly products, not appropraitely branded but impractical, useless items that frustrate.

About Me - Who Am O?

My name is Chris Rpse and I’m a blend of creative 3D art work and engineering problem solving, known for innate habitual jury-rigged problem solving with whatever is to have and trying to max whatever I can do creative while be that putting in 10 hours on snow sculpture, DIY prosthetics, concept models, props, soft prop weapons, Christmas lighting, product design, creative sculptures and more.

I have recently graduated from a 1 Year UAL level 4 Professional Diploma at Creative Media Skills in Pinewood Studios and Buckinghamshire Group College where the tutors are top industry professional art directors, coordinators, prop makers, production designers from films such as Aladdin. 10,000BC, Solo a Star Wars Movie, Beauty and the Beast, House of the Dragon and more.

I want to go for the wow and the detail as well as making things as scary, cute, detailed, nasty, romantic, gross, soppy, beautiful as possible.

Nicknames include MacGyver and Inspector Gadget due to tendency to jury rig solutions with whatever is to hand and bring in all manner of useful kits to film shoots.

  • I have many years film extra experience.
  • Background acting as well as several sessions of set decorating on Bollywood shoots.
  • A week special effects trainee work on “The Legend of Tarzan”
  • Runner work on a debate show.
  • I have assisted with an architectural model build.
  • Nearly 3 years Graphic Design Experience.
  • Used to run my own LARP soft prop fantasy weapons business in college - Merlin’s Armory
  • For fun used creative skills as a party trick to do UV glow body paint
  • I am literal, specific and detailed in how I think and talk, in large amount of detail and strategic joined up thinking connecting patterns, cause and effect, multiple steps ahead saying things as they really are with a large degree of analytical reasoning.
  • I wish to put in the effort to create the best I can and be judged by it which had work published and gained plenty of distinctions on my Creative Media Skills and one of 3 gold stars awarded to the whole group.
  • Keen to learn and have done many courses and went all out to produce the best work I could.
  • I enjoy strategy games such as poker tournaments, Total Wars games and similar as well as the creative work. Adventure activities and rock concerts. Have an outgoing nature and was often first to speak in discussion, meetings, getting up on a karaoke or other game stage or dancefloor.

The following 3 videos show how I think, values and attiude:

  • The John Lewis Christman advert is exactly how I would do a school play to get as far from dull boring & simple as possible.
  • The Ronseal advert demonstrates my rationality and literalism. No nonsense, "it does exactly as it says on the tin".
  • My Video CV from a few years back petty much shows attitude and interests.

This is the 2017 John Lewis Christman Advert and the teacher director is totally what I am about.

Totally rejected the excruciating boring and pathetic typical normal recorder session and instead base a play that’s like a live music video to the Queen Song “Bohemian Rapsody” packed with special effects, set decoration, props, costumes, acting, music, coordinated singing, spacecraft, pyrotechnics and tremendous passion. Anything but boring and all made from items the kids could have got hold of and clearly would have had fun making and learning.
This can be seen in much of my work both the passion and creativity and innovative use of whatever was to hand.

This can be seen in much of my work both the passion and creativity and innovative use of whatever was to hand.

The Ronseal advert also shows how I think in a

“Say it as it is exactly as it say on the tin manner”

Direct, to the point, graphic, literal, specific, avoiding ambiguity, vague language intuition and clear.

If going to teach first aid, make it bloody, scary, messy and real, likewise public information adverts like the anti text and drive film ‘Cow don’t text and Drive” on you tube

My Video CV

The video CV above gives a good snapshot of what I am all about and both hairstyles below are current, it simply depends of what day of the week.

Creative, outgoing, adventurous, inspired by the fantastical creatives, problem solving and wanting to create the best I can.

I had seen many video CVs, most of which involved simply talking to camera and considered them exceedingly boring and repetitive.

This is not what I am about, so chose to do something more exciting, colourful and creative far more in line with my more energetic and creative personality.

Personality & IQ Test Results

IQ Test - Culture Fair Intelligence Test

IQ Rated 120. Higher than 90% of those who took test. (Note in 2010 a different IQ different test score result 139)

Holland Career Test

Preferred 'Artistic' the most, followed by 'Investigative' and 'Realistic'. Your six letter personality type is 'AIRECS'.

There are six personality types in Holland's model:

  • Realistic: practical, physical, concrete, hands-on, machine, and tool-oriented.

  • Investigative: analytical, intellectual, scientific, explorative, thinker.

  • Artistic: creative, original, independent, chaotic, inventive, media, graphics, and text.

  • Social: cooperative, supporting, helping, healing/nurturing, teaching.

  • Enterprising: competitive environments, leadership, persuading, status.

  • Conventional: detail-oriented, organizing, clerical

 Openess to Experience  -  75/100  -  Imaginative • open-minded • experimental

 Conscientiousness          -  13/100  -  Spontaneous • disorganised • prefers flexible plans

 Extraversion                     -  86/100  -  Outgoing • friendly • assertive • likes working with others

 Agreeableness                 -  11/100  -  Hard-headed • sceptical • competitive • proud

 Natural Reactions           -  44/100  -  More relaxed in situations

Games and Gameshows

Enjoy games pub quizzes are of interest but mind is better at processing so more into debates, strategy and resource management games such as Total War and poker tournaments. Excellent and Connect four and have taken part in a number of game shows including:

  • 1001 Things You Should Know (Got to the last question).

  • The Boys and Girls Show (made a device to shoot fireballs from pants as part of a fireman stip act in this part datign part win the chance to spend £100,000 gameshow.

  • Pick Me! (Won £1000).

  • Total Wipeout

  •  Word Play

  • The Link

  • Weakest Link

I would like to show more videos, but we are not told when they are broadcast and You Tube clips are taken down due to copyright issues.

Total Wipeout was the most fun out of these was just half a second from getting thorugh to the 3rd round.

I have enjoyed plenty of adventure acitivities, love concerts and have clocked over 30 Scuba dives

Forward to 55 secs

One of many shark SCUBA dives in Thailand and Australia. This one involved 9 grey nurse sharks at the Manley Aquarium.

Forward to 20 secs

Skydive over one of the biggest super volcanos in the world. Capable of wiping out New Zealand if it erupted, the lake seen IS the volcano opening.

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