CMS - CMA06 - Concept Model Domiciles Development - Host Castle Podium Fonts and Football Chant

Domiciles Gameshow Concept Bid Miniature Set Model

CAD Component - Font Choice & Text

Intro Copy Language and Font Reasoning

Typeface and wording is important to communicate attitude.

What fascists have learned with media advisors is to ditch the white hoods, nazi symbols, skin head intimidator look and make fascism fun, cheeky Chappy Farage and Farage with their pints and man of the people show with a pint and Mc Donalds pretending they are not the elite they talk about when very much are. GB news all bright and colourful, associating nationalism with wholesome religion and so called family values and this plays into that. The game show like in films like

  • Running man
  • Hunger Games
  • Logans Run
  • Battle Royal
  • Death Race
  • Rollerball
  • The Boys

Roman Arenas makes fascism seem fun to a lesser thinking mob mentality where they can laugh and join in the inflicting of suffering thinking they are superior and untouchable and it cannot happen to them with no consequences to those they see as sub human criminal types even though those victims harmed none.

So, the game show is made to appear fun and jokey with a fun colourful façade front of the wall where the real ugliness & horror appears behind it.

To do the script justice its needs to exudes that attitude which is why I did this the way I did with the ships name, football chant and the upper class host stage like the Capital City in Hunger games verses the district, ww2 Jewish poor, medieval peasant, migrants shows has sub-human to abuse for fun before getting rid of them like a cat playing with food to feel powerful.

So the game show appears all fun and games and a laugh so people don’t see it for the horror it is.


There were 3 pieces of text copy in the set.

  • The Gameshow Logo
  • The Shop Name
  • The Stage Front Football Chant


The game show was set in the 70s so the fonts that needed to be chosen needed to me 70s style. These tended to be :

  • Round
  • Fat
  • Chunky
  • Smooth
  • Jello like
  • Bottom Heavy
  • Flowing

Yes Denoting:

  • Fun
  • Colourful
  • Partying
  • Liberal
  • Energy

Not Denoting

  • Formality
  • Conformity
  • Conservativism.
  • Tradition
  • Offices.

They also had to be clear.

There was also the intention to add a sinister edge.

The Chosen Font was Superdream

Construction Phase

Football Chant Song

The language is also indicative and typical of far-right lower class thinking from the bigoted ignorant football hooligan yob mentality.

A feel of despite getting money and power, the likes of Amie are still the ignorant racist low lives who enjoy bulling and lording it over others to feel good about themselves and be pretty much nothing without it.

The football chant lettering is the width of the whole stage and totally in the face of the migrant contestants, projecting a hostile rejecting attitude. The colouring gives a karaoke feel where the audience could sing along having gun at others expense.

I based this on the 1998 Vindaloo football chant song by Fat Les, then turned it into  was a typical racist, yobbish, ignorant, hooligan, English nationalist, xenophobic attitude chant that could be expected at a football match and very in line with the mentality of the home office side.

The chant of song was :

Engerland Naah Naah,

Engerland Naah Naah,

We Rule,

We Cool,

Ye’re Not,

Get Out of Here

Facing directly at the contestants to push the message and something the audience could sing along at to be mean to the contestants and gang up on them to emphasize the power imbalance against the contestants.

The ship name was intended to be as offensive as possible and totally typical with the attitude of far right, racist nationalists always saying migrants should go back where they came from and referring to human beings as Johnny foreigner. To fit the seventies vibe the lettering would be glittery, fat round with light bulbs.

As mentioned this is most certainly not the way I think, taking the script to the max makes it all the more satisfying when the host gets what’s coming to her and a taste of here own as its her who is dragged off screaming.

Castle Football Chant Stage Front - Lots Of Problems to Solve

Splitting up the Letters Problem

This was the hardest part of the model and the slowest to construct. When I laser cut this proved difficult as to start with, I did not understand the issue of needing to set layers so the inside of the letters was cut before the outside. Which resulted in a couple of failed laser cuts before I realised this.

The next problem was how as the letters could not be broken into vector shapes in Lightburn and at Creative Media Skills there was no computers with Adobe Illustrator.

I have to wait to get to get home to fix this problem.

The technique as to change the font to vector shaped them to ungroup and the loops using path tools.

Once broken down into shapes I cut and pasted the inner parts of the font onto different layers before exporting it to .dxf files again to import into the Lightburn software.

Picking Out and Identifying the Characters

Once laser cut a number of problems came to light.

Firstly, the it was difficult to pick out many of the less obvious characters with ambiguous shapes like “I”, “r” and characters looking like other characters such as “h, n” and “u” as well as “e” and “@” and “f” and “t”. That was really had was to find the Character “I” dots, commas and apostrophe in the laser cut debris, these were tiny.

One thing I have been wise to do figuring out there would be a lot of lost characters was to laser cut 3 to four spares of each character.

There were 66 characters plus commas and apostrophe.

The characters were 5mm to fit the stage and the commas and apostrophes tiny, just over 1mm long.

Painting and Characters Blowing Away

Having somehow managed to pick out and separate the characters and likes of apostrophes the next problem was how to individually paint each one.

The design has all the letters different colours of the union jack flag so Red, White and Blue.

This meant paining all individually. That was 66 characters plus 6 apostrophes.

Thes were very small and light, 5mm for the characters 1-2mm for the commas etc.

This presented a big problem in spray painting as the air blast was blowing them away resulting in them being lost as well as poos rough paint finishing and being very hard to paint.

The way I got around this was to saturate the centres of large sheets of cardboard with spray glue, pressing the characters to the card and letting the glue set before painting them.

As the sprays spreads out in the end to get around this, additional problem I turned spray paint into pot paint by spraying into the spray paint cover lids then using a fine paint brush to paint the layers of paint so.

  • Primer
  • White
  • Colour
  • Additional layers of colour till the wite no longer showed
  • Lacquer

Altering the Colour of the Stage front

This was a simple fix, I found that the colour of the letters and the gold glitter lacked the contract to make white characters stand out.

In the end I went with a peach coloured glitter. I also repainted all the red characters blue or white

Glueing Issues

Similar issues came up when it came to glueing the characters into place. To use superglue properly it needs to be used with activator spray, and spray blows the characters away.

To get around this I used fine point tweezers to held each letter, applied the glue to the underside putting into place.

Then Instead of using the spray I replicated the tactic of spraying into the lids to make a pot of activator. Then I soaked this up using twists of issues and used this to gently dribble crops of activator on the side of the characters held into place with tweezers so the activator chemicals could soak in setting the superglue in seconds.

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