As said this website is still being constructed as fast as I can working around the clock late into the night.
happened was that earlier in the year my web host was going to change
over £260 for the year which was pretty steep considering others were
charging a couple of pounds a month. I closed the hosting account,
downloaded the site and perfectly timed my laptop hard drive failed
completely before I had the chance to back it up. This also held much of
my creative and certainly the last few months work at model making and
art department course at Creative Media Skills. It took me a couple of
months to recover the data and the recovery software just grouped it all
into file types with numbers, no file or folder names, along with many
different quality , size and versions as also recovered deleted files.
when I got going making a new website, my monitor failed and took till
Christmas to replace. I am now trying to rebuild this new portfolio
website as fast as possible, working well into the night.
of sections are now up there may still be links not working properly or
uncleared copies or spare link buttons up (ie3rd one accross. Most
should be fine.